September 28, 2011

Fresh Start


We find it, you gift it.

Helping you find creativity and satisfaction in giving the perfect gift.

Why do you make your mom breakfast in bed on mothers day? Why are balloons and flowers brought to parties? What makes finding the perfect gift worth while?

It's the ecstasy of gift-ing. The joy you've given to the gift recipient, simply because you put in the time and effort to think about who they are and what they like. My favorite Professor in college told me that everyone wants to care for someone and to be cared for. We all show this in different ways and these ways can reflect in our giving spirit. Which is why I am here: To help you channel your giving spirit by showing you a variety ways to give a thoughtful gift.

Fixing, performing, cleaning, making, doing something for someone on a special occasion or "just cuz" is what THIGGIT helps inspire. I will showcase the latest, most unique, and creative ideas for gifts suitable for anyone from your 81 year old grandma to your coworker to your best friend.

The Breakdown:
Ask me specific questions about what to get for your friend by specifying their likes- "My friend is turning 23 and their favorite color is yellow, they like cooking, they just graduated college and works in an office, ect" and I will try and help you find the perfect gift! Answer: "Try printing your favorite recipes off the internet and binding them with string and a cover page with a note written by you"

Also- You can navigate the website by clicking either of the tabs at the top of the pages. Categories are homemade or purchased.

Enjoy :)

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